If Jesus did in fact exist and he did in fact die for our sins, what's the difference if his human body went to heaven or not so long as he's up there in one form or another and the sacrifice he made is still valid?
Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
Jehovah's Witnesses DENY the Physical Bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
by JW Answers inthe jehovah's witnesses are taught by their organisation that christ's body was disposed by jehovah god, they deny the physical bodily resurrection and explain that he rose again as a spirit creature.
as we take into account what the watchtower teach, i explain from the bible that christ rose again from the grave in his body, and showing forth that the jehovah's witnesses are in error.
in this video i cover:
What Makes. Person A Pedophile?
by minimus init seems the news always has another report of a pedo stalking children or hurting them.
i know this has gone on forever but i read another report of an illegal alien with a history of abuse taking advantage of another poor child.. i just don’t understand why some people do this.
is there an actual brain abnormality?
Pete Zahut
Is there an actual brain abnormality? Something misfired in the head??
If only there were a place where a person could look up information like that LOL! (wake up and smell the internet) LOL!
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
Pete Zahut
Those who died in Washington had underlying health issues and most were living in the same nursing home hence the high mortality rate.
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
Pete Zahut
Put it this way, if you have a gun with 50 chambers and you play Russian Roulette. That's the 2% odds. You might fancy your chances. But will you be as confident if you have to play it 10 times?
No I wouldn't ever intentionally point a gun at my head empty or full. I also wouldn't worry about the likelihood of encountering someone with a gun that only had one bullet in it, especially if that one bullet only had an 85% chance of doing me harm. I'd worry even less if that person and I were taking precautions to make sure the bullet stayed in the gun and/or missed other people if it did happen to fire.There are more risky things out there to focus on.
Darkspilver case decided: his posts were fair use, not copyright infringement; subpoena quashed
by Corney inthe final order was issued few hours ago:.
the record establishes that darkspilver made fair use of the watch tower ad and chart.
Pete Zahut
I imagine the JW's know they don't have a case in these instances but their intent is to make things as difficult as possible for anyone who speaks against them... slow them down. They have legal resources and deep pockets and probably hope to scare off the average Joe.
My favorite video from the 2019 convention
by George One Time ini love this video, not because it promotes jehovah's love.... but because it indirectly discusses a subject that helped me to question my beliefs.. https://www.jw.borg/en/library/videos/#en/mediaitems/latestvideos/pub-jwbcov_201905_11_video.
(creation reveals jehovah's love).
it is the first clip, and it is about how elements are formed.
Pete Zahut
Psalm 102 :25,26
25 In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth,
and the heavens are the work of your hands.
26 They will perish, but you remain;
they will all wear out like a garment.
Like clothing you will change them
and they will be discarded.JW's will claim that this means that God will make sure that life will go on by using other available planets that have been made suitable for human inhabitants.
The "Financial" New System of Things!
by Atlantis inthe "financial" new system of things!.
yes, in the new system it will be "business as usual" with the watchtower society's financial arrangement.
all those beautiful homes are to be built to make paradise complete.. .
Pete Zahut
As a JW, I always imagined that we'd all be self sufficient in the new system and there would be no need for finances or commerce. There would be no need for human leaders as we would be perfect and without need of regulating and organizing because we would all be doing the "right thing". I never paid attention to the fact that the folks at the Watchtower have the idea that they'll be in charge. If that's the case, we'll be building houses that they approve of and painting them from a selection of approved colors.
The one thing they never addressed is the literal reality of living for all eternity. They always seemed to focus on the early days in paradise, rebuilding and instructing resurrected ones. What about 10 years later when the work is done and the rest of eternity lies ahead?
I was also bothered by the fact that we all came about so randomly. If our parent's had "gone to bed" a few minutes earlier or later, some other little sperm cell might have made it to the egg first and we might not even be here. Although we had no say in the matter, we were the ones who made it and if we became Jehovah's Witnesses or were resurrected, we would live for all eternity and had no choice in the matter.
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
Pete Zahut
I live in the area where 6 have died
A school 3 miles from here has been closed down for sterilization.
So far our local stores have plenty of the sanitation items others have claimed are in short supply in their area.
Per the News
Spread of the virus is from close personal contact with someone infected (6 feet or less) via droplets from coughs or sneezes.
It is also spread by contact with these droplets on surfaces and then touching the eyes nose mouth.
The virus lasts up to 9 days on surfaces (less on copper and steel) at room temp but are easily destroyed by common disinfectants. The virus appears to be affected by heat.
Not likely to live on packages or products coming from oversees due to shipping time.
The general uninfected public shouldn't wear masks because fiddling with masks with hands can contaminate the mask and concentrate the virus in the area of the nose and mouth or be spread from a mask onto hands while handling the mask.
80% of those who are exposed to the virus will have little to moderate illness sometimes no symptoms at all. Those who have died so far already have underlying health conditions.
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
Something interesting!
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inwas in the middle of my research bout "anointed/ anointing /holy spirit".
this question n the illustration got my interest.
notice the last sentence and last word.
Pete Zahut
So why are those of who partake of the symbolic "emblems" at the "memorial" called "anointed" when no oil (symbolic or otherwise) is poured upon their heads?
What does "empowerment" refer to? Power over the symbolic insects that live on the Little Flock of unannointed sheep?